Stormwater Management Standards and Funding

Stormwater Management Effort

How many of the 52 communities in the Piscataqua Region Watershed have adopted the Southeast Watershed Alliance Model Stormwater Standards for Coastal Communities or similar standards? Additionally, how many communities in the watershed have adopted a stormwater utility?

As of May 2022, 24 of the 42 (57%) New Hampshire municipalities in the Piscataqua Region Watershed have adopted the complete set of the Southeast Watershed Alliance (SWA) model or similar stormwater management standards, two communities are in the process of adoption, one community has partial or a different set of standards, and 15 communities have not yet adopted stormwater standards. The 10 Maine communities in the watershed adhere to state-level stormwater management regulations. Although there is community interest in exploring alternate stormwater funding mechanisms, currently no communities have adopted or implemented a stormwater utility. Stormwater projects, operations, and maintenance remain funded by a combination of local taxes, property development costs, grants and loans, and fees.4

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